Monday, November 17, 2008

Ismene's Letter

To my sister
Dearest, foolish Antigone, how can you dare to disobey your uncle, and king? Do you not comprehend the punishment you will face? I weep for you and for myself. For once you are caught our uncle will not show you mercy, and I will be alone. For the only family i have left is you dear sister, I do not feel like a part of our uncles family. They do not know me as you do. You are much closer to them then I am, what will your future groom think? Even if our uncle lets you live, which seems unlikely, he will never let you marry his son. You are bringing more shame to our family. Yet as I write I can not help but recall our brothers. They did not deserve to die so young. Our poor dear Polyneices, king Creon has decreed that his soul should have no rest. I can not bear that thought! I should have listened when you spoke with me, and thought of Polyneices soul rather then the risks. But my chance to right that wrong has been lost, but I pray for your success an that you will be able to forgive my weakness.
Your apologetic sister

1 comment:

Heather said...

We both our kind of saying the same thing in our first couple lines. I guess you could say that I am calling Antigone crazy, becasue she is sacrificing her life to just bury her brother, but that was how her culture was at the time.