Wednesday, November 12, 2008

thoughts on technology

Technology is anything that makes a persons life easier. modern technology like computers and the Internet have many uses. I use these on a regular basis to research topics that interest me and I enjoy exploring the Internet and playing games. Websites like facebook make keeping in contact with friends easy and convenient.
I mostly use technology as an entertainment tool although it can be very useful for academic purposes too. I personally tend to have trouble working together with technology. I can play games and do basic information searches on the Internet, but ask me to do something new and I wind up staring blankly at the computer (or other technologically advanced piece of equipment). I am terrible figuring out how these sorts of things work, I need clear, simple instructions before I can do anything.
My brother on the other hand is practically one with the computer. He is all ways doing something online. He even takes a programing course, and attends an online academy! As you can see my brother and I have very different relationships with technology despite being raised in the same household.